What do you get when you average all the faces of women from a country? Check out the above picture and see if you agree. And if you want to try your hand at it, this Face Research website will allow you to select faces and average them to see what comes out.
Visit the Face Research site.
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Choosing a white face for South Africa is pure fail.
The “South African” picture is actually for Argentina:
The one labelled “Central African” is really the “South African” pic.
How are they all at least somewhat attractive? It seems unrealistic that the average woman of every country would be attractive…
As the saying goes, “Beauty (or not) is in the eyes of the beholder.” Behold…
Picture paints a thousand words.
Dude asked: “How are they all at least somewhat attractive? It seems unrealistic that the average woman of every country would be attractive…”
Actually, there is some interesting research that shows that part of what makes a feature attractive to us is being close to the mean. It is proportions that deviate abnormally from the average that tend to make faces more unattractive to us. So by averaging many faces together, you get something more attractive than any one of them would be individually.
I must have a very “average” face. This would explain why people have thought I’ve looked like someone they’ve known since I was a little girl. Funny thing is… I was a Military Brat, so I was never in the same place for more than a few years. Just this past week I had 3 comments at a new job.
Apparently, I look very Bavaria; A girl who has murdered in High School (I had just moved to this town at the time… got some bizarre looks, so a teacher told me); some woman from TN; a friend’s daughter; co-workers sister; a co-worker who had quit; an old girlfriend; Shirley Temple (when I was little); just “familiar” somehow… Do I know you? lol