
Get Retro, Diapod Projects Slides

From Diapod

Slides? What are slides? In case you’re wondering, it means you were born in the digital age and have never seen negative film, slide film, or a diskette (you know, that symbol in any software that you click to save your file). A slide is a piece of film mounted in a square cardboard or plastic and you view it by projecting the image onto a screen.

The Diapod looks like an elegant, if somewhat tiresome way, of doing just that, one slide at a time. Usually a slide projector comes with a tray and rotates thru all your slides. With the Diapod, you have to manually put in, take out, put in another, and so on. Still, it looks pretty retro, fun and you can even send in your digital images to have them, umm, downgraded, to slides for use in the Diapod. At 76 euro, I’m sure there’ll be takers.

Learn more about the Diapod.


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