Retro styling is all the rage it seems (though some camera companies still have not gotten the memo) and you can now add a retroFlex-s finder/handgrip rig (from Redrock Micro) to your Sony A5000 or A51000 to make it look like a Super 8 mm video camera.

Not only do you get the cool handgrip with a built-in record button but also a large and bright eye finder that cups over the whole of the LCD, making it possible to shoot in mid-day sun without viewing washed out images. All other camera buttons and functions are still accessible.

The retroFlex-S from Redrock Micro is a new type of rig emphasizing style and subtlety. Beautiful finishes and thoughtful touches make it an object of envy.
retroFlex-S remains profoundly functional, delivering modern digital filmmaking convenience in a discreet package. The large bright finder is perfect for viewing in all lighting conditions, and the integrated record button in the grip makes grabbing shots fast. Fast breakdown for packing away or converting into larger cine-style rigs.
Available now for the Sony Alpha A5000 and A5100. retroFlex also available for Blackmagic Pocket Camera.
For more info visit
You can buy the retroFlex-S at B&H Photo Video:
– Redrock Micro retroFlex-S Stylized Rigging for Sony Alpha Mirrorless Camera