Shuttle Atlantis re-enters Earth’s atmosphere and someone on the International Space Station (ISS) has the presence of mind to aim the camera and capture this amazing shot.
source popsci
Shuttle Atlantis re-enters Earth’s atmosphere and someone on the International Space Station (ISS) has the presence of mind to aim the camera and capture this amazing shot.
source popsci
Here’s what we searched for in 2024 on Google. For more detail about what the world searched for in 2024, visit Google’s 2024 Zeitgeist where you can break it down by categories and countries. Click to share...
Don’t know if it’s amazing, smart of the frog or downright horrifying. I know it looks kinda cute and funny at first, but I would think the poor fish would eventually collapse out of sheer exhaustion...
This slug with what looks like leaves on its back lives in the sea and is appropriately known as a leaf slug. Its face appearance looks like a sheep, and hence the sea sheep and leaf sheep monickers. Its scientific name...
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