
Canon S90 Hands-On Preview @ KenRockwell

Canon PowerShot S90
Canon PowerShot S90

Ken Rockwell gives his unique perspective of the Canon PowerShot S90IS [QuickPrice Check], a compact digital camera that “stands out from the rest” with 10MP resolution (1/1.7-in CCD), 3.8x wide-angle optical zoom (28-105mm equiv.), optical Image Stabilization, bright f/2.0 maximum aperture, customizable Control Ring (around lens), large 3.0-in. LCD (460K dots), PASM modes, Scene Modes, RAW, High Sensitivity System (ISO 12,800), and Movie 640×480 @ 30fps.

[ Read the Canon S90 Hands-On Preview at: Ken Rockwell ]


  • Very helpful review. Watch out for pre-ordering scams. I pre-ordered this camera from Amazon, but they suddenly cancelled the order 3 weeks later. Their support people had no reasonable explanation, but said that if I still want the camera I could get on another waiting list from one of their 3rd-party sellers. Perhaps they figure they can get more than MSRP when the S90 becomes available (like the Panasonic LX3), or maybe Prime shipping is costing them too much. Either way, I’m really disappointed.

  • Bummer :(. Canon is probably surprised at the high demand for this camera, and will hopefully crank up production so everyone who wants one can get one.

  • A worthless review from Canon fanboy Ken ‘please give me some money’ Rockwell.

  • Matt,

    Sorry you feel this way. Did you not get anything from it? Not even some comic relief? 😉

    Seriously, we feature Ken’s reviews because he is such a contrast to other [very | too?] “serious” reviews. He likes to stir the pot and it’s sometimes good to question our own cherished notions about what a “good” camera should be.

    As always, his and the other reviewers’ views are their own.

  • Picked up a S90 a few days ago, and first tests are very favourable, performance at iso 400 knocks spots off my old Olympus C7070 and is a lot better than my Olympus E510 slr, in fact at iso 1600 the canon is better than the E510 at iso 400.

    My first encounter with a camera without a viewfinder, so holding it up at arms length goes a bit against the grain!

    My only gripe is the control ring on the back, it’s very flimsy and half the pictures I’ve taken so far have been over or under exposed through inadvertently moving the EV control by mistake.

    Think yourself lucky if you live in the USA, I paid the equivalent of $736 in £GB for this camera over here on “treasure Island”

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