

Simulated images

The Future Is Full-Frame Mirrorless

e always like to spot trends at Photoxels and see which direction the camera industry is heading. It’s a fun activity and, more often than not, we are not always right, but we did correctly predict that “The...

I Am a Photographer and I #WearAMask

I Am a Photographer and I #WearAMask

Today is National Camera Day, and we’re encouraging photographers around the world to take a selfie with their favorite camera while wearing a mask. To win against COVID-19, we need to encourage people to stop...

Be a (Cool) Ninja Photographer: #WearAMask

  Good quality cloth masks work. They save lives. Yours. They protect you. They remind you not to touch (prevent you from touching) your face. They also protect your loved ones. They also protect the elderly who...