
Category - Featured Site

Mark Hersch, Astronomy Picture of the Day

Featured Image: Chicago, Upside Down

Congratulations to Mark Hersch for his Astronomy Picture of the Day of Chicago seemingly upside down. At first, I thought it was a city in the clouds. It’s just a stunningly beautiful picture. View Inverted City...

© Ben Ridgway

Cosmic Flower Unfolding

Ben Ridgway is an Assistant Professor at San Francisco State University in San Francisco, California, USA. He also spent years as a 3D artist in the video game industry and helped to create games for Nintendo, Sony, and...

X-Ray Animated GIFs

I love X-Ray images. Being able to see the internals of the human (and animal) body and objects hold a certain fascination. Cameron Drake went a step further. He used X-Ray video footage, extracted small clips (@ 2 sec...