This video presents “Earth Day 2014 Promo.”
- Enjoy the beautiful scenery on Earth as NASA takes part in a worldwide celebration of Earth Day.
- Today, April 22, is #EarthDay. Are you ready for your #GlobalSelfie?
- Join NASA and the world celebrate environmental awareness with the agency’s #GlobalSelfie event.

NASA invites you — and everyone else on the planet — to take part in a worldwide celebration of Earth Day this year with the agency’s #GlobalSelfie event.
Earth Right Now Campaign
- The year 2014 is a big one for NASA Earth science.
- Five NASA missions designed to gather critical data about our home planet are launching this year to expand our understanding of Earth’s changing climate and environment.
- NASA is marking this big year for Earth science with a campaign called Earth Right Now, and as part of this campaign the agency is asking for your help this Earth Day, April 22.
“NASA astronauts brought home the first ever images of the whole planet from space. Now NASA satellites capture new images of Earth every second. For Earth Day we are trying to create an image of Earth from the ground up while also fostering a collection of portraits of the people of Earth. Once those pictures stream around the world on Earth Day, the individual pictures tagged #GlobalSelfie will be used to create a mosaic image of Earth — a new “Blue Marble” built bit by bit with your photos.”
- On Earth Day, NASA is asking you to step outside and take a picture of yourself wherever you are on Earth. Then post it to social media using the hashtag #GlobalSelfie.
- The #GlobalSelfie sign is also available in 21 languages.
- Please click here for the details.

- NASA’s FREE “Earth Now” Apple and Android app “immerses users in dazzling visualizations of near-real-time global climate data from NASA’s fleet of Earth science satellites.”
Today, April 22, is Earth Day. “What are you doing to show your love for the planet?”

Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) has the following three great ways you can take time for nature and spread some nature love:
♥ Run to your nearest park and give a tree a big hug!
- Spend some time in nature: go for a walk in your favourite park, give your garden some love or visit one of NCC’s properties.
♥ Clean up garbage in your local community.
- There are lots of spring clean-up events across Canada. Check out some of NCC’s events here.
♥ Send an Earth Day tribute e-card featuring beautiful photos of Canadian natural habitats and species.
- Also, your donation will help fund the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s conservation work while honouring someone you care about.
- You can select your ecard design after you process the donation.
- Please click here to send an Earth Day e-card now.
Creative Mug Shots (Photos)

Furthermore, Good Earth Coffeehouse is once again teaming up with the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Alberta Region to support their conservation work.
- This year, reusable NCC coffee mugs will be sold at all Good Earth locations in western Canada.
Enter a draw for an NCC prize pack.
- You can also be entered into a draw to win a cool NCC prize pack by sending your mug shots to NCC.
- Here’s how it works:
- Pick up an NCC mug at any Good Earth Coffeehouse (click here to find a location);
- Take a creative picture of your mug (they are looking for pictures of NCC mugs out in nature);
- Email your mug shots directly to, or post them on Facebook with the tag #nccmugshot. You can also share your photos with them on Instagram or Twitter (@NCC_CNC #nccmugshot)*;
- Each shot will get you one entry into the draw.
* Note: by sending us your photos with the tag #nccmugshot, you agree to NCC’s submission authorization policy.
“I am over the age of eighteen….I hereby authorize The Nature Conservancy of Canada, without limitation or restriction, the right to use, reuse, display, distribute, transmit, alter without restriction or otherwise exploit my submission, in whole or in part, digitally, in print, in television, on the Internet, in any social media or in any other medium now or hereafter known, for any purpose whatsoever and without restriction. I hereby waive all rights of inspection or approval regarding any use of the submission….“
Good Earth Coffeehouse has partnered with NCC to raise funds and awareness throughout April and May 2014.
- Each location will be collecting donations for NCC.
- On April 22 (Earth Day), Good Earth is giving away a FREE small coffee in exchange for a donation to NCC.

Green Drinks Toronto and Earth Day Canada are hosting the Earth Day Party 2014, a networking event for environmental leaders and professionals.
- The event is take place at The Rock’N’Horse Saloon, on Earth Day (Tuesday, April 22) from 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM (EDT) at 250 Adelaide St W., 3rd floor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Proceeds go towards Earth Day Canada’s work to educate Canadians on how they can lessen their environmental impact in their daily lives.
- This year, Earth Day Canada and Green Drinks Toronto are focusing on the next generation of environmental leadership!
- Each guest will receive 1 complimentary drink.
- The speakers are
- Gordie Wornoff – A dumpster-diver, “freecycler” and a second generation carpenter, you know Gordie Wornoff from his appearances on Canadian reality series “Junk Raiders,” and as the 2012 Hometown Heroes Award Winner for his small business “A Higher Plane.”
- The Water Brothers – Hosts of TVO’s eco-adventure documentary series The Water Brothers, Alex and Tyler Mifflin are passionate about the subject of water conservation, circling the globe to bring back stories that affect, inspire and educate viewers.
- Please note: This is a 19+ event.
- Please click here to read more info about the Earth Day Party 2014 as well as buy tickets.