Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival invites you to be a part of CONTACT, either as an Open Exhibition or a Featured Exhibition.
- Open Exhibitions are non-juried, while Featured Exhibitions are subject to a submission process.
- All participants for Open Exhibitions and Featured Exhibitions must register with CONTACT on their website.
- Please note you must register on their website before submitting a proposal and registration fees apply for both types of exhibition.
Registration and Call for Submissions recently started.
September 25, 2014

Call for Submissions: CONTACT 2015 Featured Exhibitions
Submission Deadline: November 14, 2014 by 5PM
The Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival is a month-long event devoted to celebrating and fostering the art and profession of photography. The Festival is now accepting Featured Exhibition proposals for its 2015 edition.
The Featured Exhibition program is a prominent component of the Festival that showcases high-calibre exhibitions of work by Canadian and international artists. Each year CONTACT selects a broad spectrum of projects by emerging and established artists working in a range of subject matter. These exhibitions are positioned within the forefront of the Festival’s programming and communications, including the CONTACT magazine, website, and promotional materials.
The call for submissions is open to proposals for solo or group exhibitions on any subject matter, and to all photo-based practices. To be eligible, shows must take place during the month of May, and must have a confirmed exhibition space. Priority will be given to those presenting in professional-quality spaces.
Submissions must include:
1. EXHIBITION PROPOSAL: A concise one-page summary of the exhibition concept and content. Please include exhibition title, dates, name of exhibiting artist(s), venue name, address, telephone, email, and venue contact person.
2. SUPPORT MATERIAL: Include a maximum of 15 digital files on disc (jpeg format, maximum 1 MB each) and a corresponding list with the artist’s name, dimensions of work, media, title, and year of production.
3. CURRICULUM VITAE: For each artist participating in the exhibition, include a concise one-page CV or other relevant biographical information.
4. CONTACT INFO: Include name, address, telephone, and email, for the exhibition contact person (if different from venue contact).
A registration fee applies:
$400 + HST, early bird fee prior to November 7, 2014
$465 + HST, regular fee takes effect November 8, 2014
Please see our website for complete guidelines before submitting.
Send submissions by mail to:
Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival
80 Spadina Ave, Suite 205
Toronto, ON M5V 2J4
Please send a SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE if you would like your submission returned.
By file hosting service (such as Dropbox, WeTransfer) to:
Decision letters will be sent in mid-December.
Save the date: Visit CONTACT at Art Toronto
October 24 – 27
Metro Toronto Convention Centre
255 Front Street West, Toronto
CONTACT is at the Art Fair! Come visit us and check out our limited edition prints by artists featured in the Festival over the years. See work by Lynne Cohen, Max Dean, Scarlett Hooft Graafland, Martin Parr, Sebastião Salgado, Viviane Sassen, Andrew Wright, and more! This print collection is a fundraising initiative in support of the Festival’s exhibitions and educational programming.
Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.