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Facebook Sings, You Belong To Me

The American Society of Media Photographers has raised the alarm that, once again, Facebook has changed/is trying to change its Terms of Service (TOS) and privacy policies to radically increase its power to exploit your content and identity. The changes allow Facebook to monetize not just the photos you post on its site, but a sizable portion of your entire online identity — your name, profile picture, content, private information, and personal brand — by using it in advertising, in commercial and sponsored content — without any compensation to you.

Can you imagine seeing your name and picture used in ads that you do not approve of? It’s amazing that they would even dare to claim that right to themselves.

According to ASMP, not only has Facebook granted itself special privilege to your online identity, it “has specifically removed the language from their TOS that allows you to limit how your likeness, information, and content are associated with brands, commercial uses, or sponsored posts. The have also removed the clause that makes them subject to the privacy limits set in place by you on your profile.

In the past, public outcry has caused Facebook to backtrack a number of times and this may hopefully be another such episode. It seems that they will keep trying until they either come in under the public radar or the public grows tired and doesn’t care anymore. Not happening.

Read the full article at: ASMP.

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