
Free Undergrad-Level Photo Courses Offered Online

21st Century Communism: Laos from Tomas van Houtryve on Vimeo.

Editor’s Note: We blogged this back in March but this is so relevant to our readers who may be looking for a photography course run by a university for… free. Open to any photographer worldwide.

Think you can profit from a photography course but can’t stomach paying for it? After all, there’re lots of good quality free sites on the Web. Well, good news: photography professor Jonathan Worth of Coventry University, England, has decided to post his undergrad-level photo courses online for all the world to take… free. It’s also available as an app.

#picbod is a free course on how to photograph the human body : [course | app]

#phonar is a course on photography and narrative: course. The above video is part of this course.

source PDN Pulse


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