
Fujifilm: Updated RAW FILE CONVERTER EX 2.0 Powered by SILKYPIX is Ver. (December 1, 2015): Notice of Compatibility for Microsoft Windows 10 (Application Software)

The following video presents FUJIFILM Film Simulationen:

  • An overview of the various film simulations provided by Fujifilm’s high-quality cameras.
  • Some of the Fujifilm X – photographers speak out and highlight the features and benefits of FUJIFILM film simulations .

This is an update to these previous blogs:

Fujifilm recently announced that the upgraded RAW FILE CONVERTER EX 2.0 powered by SILKYPIX (Ver. Installer for Windows 10 / 8 / 8.1 / 7 / Vista is now available to download at :

  • The software update Ver. incorporates the following issues:
    • The phenomenon is fixed that “RAW FILE CONVERTER EX 2.0 powered by SILKYPIX” doesn’t start in some of Windows 10 PC.


Updated:Notice of Compatibility for Microsoft Windows 10 (Application Software)

October 2, 2015
Updated:December 1, 2015

As informed on 29 July 2015 with the title of “Notice of Compatibility of Digital Cameras and Application Software with Microsoft Windows10.”

We were checking the compatibility of the application software with Microsoft Windows 10.

The check has been completed and we will inform you of its rest.

【Result of compatibility check】

Application Software Result
MyFinePix Studio installer Yes
RAW FILE CONVERTER EX 2.0 powered by SILKYPIX installer Yes*
PC AutoSave installer Yes
Tethered Shooting Software HS-V5 for Windows installer Yes
Tethered Capture Plug-in for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom installer Yes

<Updated history>

Dec. 1, 2015

* The upgraded “RAW FILE CONVERTER EX 2.0 powered by SILKYPIX” has been disclosed for the symptom that it doesn’t start in some of Windows 10 PC.

Nov. 13, 2015

* In some of Windows 10 PC, we have found the symptom that RAW FILE CONVERTER EX 2.0 powered by SILKYPIX doesn’t start. We will upgrade and provide RAW FILE CONVERTER EX 2.0 in “Download Software & Firmware” page of this site.

Customer Contact:

Please contact your nearest Fujifilm office.
For information on Fujifilm subsidiaries and distributors, please access the following URL.


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