
Heart Walk Music Video

From vanderbiltheartbeats

It’s kinda [OK, very] cheesy but it’s for a good cause [which we like to support here] and it’s a serious disease (#1 in N.A.) so there…

Vanderbilt cardiologist Mark Glazer, M.D., and colleagues from the Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Institute sing and dance to a music video to promote the American Heart Association’s Heart Walk, scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 2.

Starring: Margaret Morrison ACNP-BC, Mark Glazer MD, Kat Embree RN, Anne Koetz RN, Scott Guyton, and Christa Lafontaine!

Click below to join a Heart Walk Team or make a donation to the American Heart Association…

The Heart Walk will take place Saturday, Oct. 2, at 8 a.m. on Vanderbilt’s campus. VUMC’s goal is $330,000 toward Nashville’s target of $1.35 million. So go on and walk for someone you love and help raise the money. Or, the Vanderbilt Sextet may be tempted to make another music video next year [[[shudder]]].

source physorg

I just had to listen to the original song (“Stand By Me”) to feel right with the world again:

From Adriancit0

Just in case, you’re wondering, yes, the young boys in the movie of the same name are Wil Wheaton [@wilw], River Phoenix, Corey Feldman, and Jerry O’Connell.


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