Do you have old yellowed family photographs at home, perhaps stored in a shoebox in the attic? Bob Rosinsky shares how he restored a tintype photograph from the 1870s a client brought to his studio.
As far as equipment goes, here they are in Bob’s own words:
My standard operating procedure is to use an ultra-high resolution camera combined with a top-of-the-line macro lens to photograph tintypes. I use strobe lights to illuminate the artwork. Strobes produce “hard” light, much like the sun on a clear day. In addition to the strobes, I place a polarizer over the camera lens and polarizer gels over the strobe lights. This eliminates all reflections and enables the camera to pick up a greater tonal range along with more detail.
As he restored the photograph, he made a discovery that the client used to pinpoint the year the photo was taken.
Read all about it at: Top Dog Imaging.
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