
Jean-Pierre Aubé: Electrosmog Montréal

Jean-Pierre Aubé is a different kind of photographer. He takes pictures of the electromagnetic fields generated by radiofrequency spectrum activity generated by telecommunications. Of course, the digital camera cannot record a visual representation of electromagnetic fields per se, so what Aubé uses is a radio, an antenna and special software to scan the spectrum of radio frequencies and take a “snapshot” of its readings. This measure of electromagnetic activity on a specific frequency is then translated into an image which is then layered behind a picture of Montréal to give this surreal [and kind of scary] photo of the invisible electromagnetic landscape we live in. As the frequency changes, the background shimmers. Good thing, it is not visible or audible to us.

Electrosmog Montréal from Jean-Pierre Aube on Vimeo.

Equipped with a radio, an antenna, and home-made software, the artist sweeps the titular spectrum of radio frequencies. Every tenth of a second, the device takes a snapshot of its readings – a measure of electromagnetic activity on a specific frequency. This information is then paired with images of Montréal, digitally altered by these same measurements, to create a “documentary in sound” of the city’s spaces.

Montréal is the eighth city in which Aubé has measured and visually presented this urban Electrosmog.

Read the article at: thestar.