First Canadian Place
FREE Admission
Continues to November15, 2013
First Canadian Place Gallery
First Canadian Place
100 King Street West
Toronto, ON M5X 1A9
11 AM – 3 PM, Monday to Friday
Hours of operations are subject to change due to private events.
For more information, please contact the Arts & Events office at: 416-862-6290.
Canadian entrepreneur/investor Kevin O’Leary is the outspoken business and TV personality in both the Dragons’ Den and the Lang & O’Leary Exchange.
The exhibit at First Canadian Place in downtown Toronto features prints of images shot by O’Leary. More locations across Canada will be unveiled in the coming weeks.
At age 16, he bought his first camera, a Soviet made Zenit-E SLR. Also, he was active in his high school photo club.
He still has the first roll of B&W 35mm film, which he developed, as well as the images he printed from it, scratches and all. Since then, he has upgraded his equipment and he always carries a camera to capture images even when he travels the world for business trips.
O’Leary is inspired by teenage entrepreneurs and wants to encourage them via the KEVIN O’LEARY: 40 YEARS OF PHOTOGRAPHY exhibit and sale of limited edition, signed, framed prints.
O’Leary will donate all profits from the sale of his photographs to aspiring teenage entrepreneurs in an online “Future Dragon” contest launching later this year.
Due to the nature of his work, Kevin is often asked whether entrepreneurs are born or taught. His response “Who cares! What I know is that we need to support the young entrepreneurs and innovators in our communities. Every dollar of profit from the sale of my photographs will go to support teenage entrepreneurs across the land. If you are passionate about keeping our country growing and creating jobs, then buy this work with the knowledge that you are helping our next generation pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. There is nothing more important for our future than encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation.”
For more information on how to purchase limited edition, signed, framed prints to support teenage entrepreneurs, contact Laura Davidson at ldavidson@olearyventures.com .