The following video presents 100 Years of Leica Photography: Pictures for Eternity from Leica Camera on Vimeo.
History can be written – or photographed. For 100 years now, famous photographers from around the world have been capturing once-in-a-lifetime moments with their Leica camera. Moments that remain unforgettable. Perhaps the most famous of all timeless, iconic photos can be seen in our film. So go on a journey through time with Leica. With impressive pictures that you can rediscover every time you view them. And which you will never forget.
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Leica Store Gallery Washington DC announces a national open call for entries for their 2015 Juried Exhibition to all U.S. Leica photographers to capture the unforgettable.
- The Deadline is 7pm EST Friday, Aug. 28.
- This year’s theme is, “Unforgettable”
The photographic medium is privileged with the capability of freezing time. Displacing content and context to transcend a mere moment. Extending the life, influence, and impact of the decisive moment by preserving observations for successive generations.
For our 2015, third annual juried exhibition, we ask U.S. Leica photographers to fix their eyes and then lens upon scenes that should forever be suspended. It’s a search for significance with the intent to reveal fundamental universal truths. Allowing others the opportunity to glimpse scenes that expose the nature of reality. Moments that are truly worthy of being indelibly impressed upon the viewer’s memory.
Check out an image from photographer Boaz Lyu who was an exhibiting artist from last year’s open call, at: .
Entry Requirements:
- All images must be shot with a Leica.
- Photographer must reside in the USA.
- A $30 flat fee for entry. Entry fee covers a minimum of one photographic entry up to a maximum of 3 images, per photographer, matting costs for final selected prints, juror honorariums, and artist opening reception.
- Each entry must be a single photograph, not a series.
- All profits will be donated to a Washington, DC 501©(3) nonprofit organization.
- Initial submissions must be digital and sent to .
Important Dates:
- DEADLINE- August 28: Open call closes at 7pm EST. All digital files must be submitted to and Entry Fee must be paid.
- August 29 /30: Jurying to begin. Jurors will make their initial selections.
- August 31: Request prints for final round of judging.
- September 11: Prints for final selection must to be delivered to Leica Store Washington DC by notified photographers.
- September 12 /13: Final Selections for show made.
- September 25: Opening Exhibition and Juror’s Prize Winner Announced
- November 3: All images available for pickup from gallery/pre-paid shipments mailed.
- No later than November 16: All images should be retrieved or mattes signed for sales.
If your image is selected….
- Leica Store will provide matting and framing for exhibiting images.
- All images will be for sale in the Gallery. Pricing will be requested for all final images
selected. - Gallery Sales will incur a 50/50 split (after taxes) between Artist and Gallery.
For entry details, please read the full submission guidelines at or stop by the store to pick up the submission guidelines:
Leica Store DC- Fall 2015 Exhibit- 977 F St., NW, Washington, DC, USA, 20004
Phone: 202.787.5900
Good Luck!
The following video presents Leica – Revival of a legend | Made in Germany
A Leica is forever. That motto was the brand’s selling point – and very nearly its downfall. After failing to keep pace with the digital revolution, in 2004 the German company almost went bankrupt. Then investor Andreas Kaufmann stepped in, and brought Leica back from the brink. Since then, Leica has invested 80 million euros in research and development. And in 2009, Leica achieved profitability once again. Report by Joanna Gottschalk.