This video presents Ansel Adams at 100 – photo book preview.

Lumu (the maker of the digital light meter for your smartphone) invites you to enter the Ansel Adams Contest.
Ansel Easton Adams (1902 – 1984) was a visionary figure in the world of nature photography and wilderness preservation. His signature black and white photographs inspire a love of the beauty of nature and a strong conservation ethic.
“You don’t take a photograph,
you make it.” – Ansel AdamsLets pay a tribute to the legend.
Lumu is running a very special contest. We hope to inspire your mind and to enhance your view of the world.
The Contest
Go out and find beauty and creativity in the great world around you. We will showcase the most impressive entries and reward the very best!
Think about your view of the world. Explore it, change it, improve it!
We’re inviting you to submit Black and White photographs, inspired by the work of Ansel Adams.
1. Learn more about The Reward, Ansel Adams and his legacy on Lumu website
2. Time to get creative. Use whatever equipment you like.
3. Post your photo to IG, include #LumuAnselContest and @Lumulightmeter.THE GRAND JURY
@PeterEssick, National Geographic photographer and man who paid the best tribute to the Ansel and his work.The contest is open to everyone and runs until February 11th 2015.
BLOW US AWAY #ExpressYourselfLumu
The Reward: “Ansel Adams At 100” photobook
- In 2001 The Museum Of Modern Art in New York in association with publishers Little, Brown and Company and The San Francisco Museum of Art produced one of the finest photo books of the last decade-Ansel Adams At 100, as shown in the video above.
Here are the steps to enter the contest.
- Create black and white nature photographs in the style of Ansel Adams.
- Post them on Instagram, mention @Lumulightmeter and add #LumuAnselContest hashtag.
- If you don’t have an @Account, you can submit entries by email to .
The contest runs until February 11th 2015.
Here are some memorable quotes from Ansel Adams.
“A good photograph is knowing where to stand.”
“The understanding of the world of nature will help in holding the world of man together.”
“You have to bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.”
The High Sierra (Northern California) – “a noble gesture of the earth.”
Ansel Adams
The Grand Jury is Peter Essick.
The winner will be announced approximately one week after the contest closes. The best photographs will be showcased on Lumu channels along with copyright markings.
For any additional questions write them an email to .
Please click here to for more info.