This is an update to the previous blog, Nikon: Post Your Best Photo Taken With NIKKOR Lens Before 3pm ET on Feb.2, 2015 & You Could Win a NIKKOR Tumbler Lens Mug.
Here are the winners of the NIKKOR Tumbler lens mug giveaway.

- Marc Martineau of Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, won the NIKKOR Tumbler 60mm. He used his Nikon D2x attached to a NIKKOR 500mm prime lens.
- Heather Cook of Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, won a NIKKOR Tumbler 24-70mm. She used her Nikon D810 with a NIKKOR 14-24mm zoom lens.

Check out their winning images at !
Congratulations! / Félicitations!
The following video presents NIKKOR Lens Technology:
Take a look into the innovative technology that goes into NIKKOR lenses and see why professionals around the world settle for nothing less than NIKKOR lenses.