
Paraglider Soars Like An Eagle, Uh, Oh, Meets Eagle

From Paravoffka

Every year, hundreds of paragliders from around the world visit the Himalayas (India side) in October and November. The paragliders watch the eagles which fly nearby for hints on the direction of the air currents that will also help them climb. One paraglider flew too close to three eagles (or was it the other way round) and one of the majestic birds collided with and got tangled in the sling glider [0:30]. The eagle seemed to be out cold, just hanging limp, while the paraglider franctically tried to control his descent. The paraglider used his reserve parachute and landed safely, then gingerly set the bird free. Both man and eagle survived, each with a story to tell. It was a close call.

via vvv