Review Date: December 5, 2011
Category: Point-and-Shoot to Beginner

Photoxels Gold Award – Interchangeable Lens Camera
This Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF3 Review is based on a production model. All sample images are unretouched, except where specified.
Beautiful. The Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF3 looks beautiful in any of the available colors, though I am partial to the white model. Beneath the beautiful exterior is a serious Intercheangeable Lens Camera (mirrorless DSLR) targeted to the point-and-shoot crowd who desires DSLR performance and image quality in a compact and light body.
The Lumix GF3 features a fast Contrast-Detect AF, a simplified user interface that keeps things simple for beginners but still gives access to powerful manual control for more advanced users. It is an intuitive and fun camera to use.
The Panasonic GF3 captures very good image quality up to ISO 800, with low noise and detail preserved. ISO 1600 is very usable and ISO 3200 is usable at smaller prints.
The Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF3 will appeal to point-and-shoot and beginner amateur photographers desiring a DSLR-level digital camera but without the size, bulk and weight usually associated with traditional DSLRs. The Panasonic GF3 is one camera that point-and-shoot photographers can pick up and start using right away. Highly recommended for the point-and-shoot crowd as an alternative to an entry-level DSLR.
Next: Panasonic GF3 Image Quality