Leica is Developing the S3 Medium Format DSLR: Leica-Specific 64 Megapixel CMOS Sensor, Medium Format Cine 4K Video System, Wi-Fi, GPS, Sealings to Protect It from Dust and Splashes 2018-09-28
Leica Firmware Updates (September 2016): Firmware for Leica S (Typ 007) and Firmware 2.5.0 for Leica S/S-E (Typ 006) Provide Improvements 2016-09-14
LEICA S (Typ 007) Medium-Format DSLR with 4K Video Recording in Super 35 Format: Firmware Update (April 2016) Provides Improvements & New Features 2016-04-12
The LEICA S (Typ 007) Medium-Format DSLR Now Available: Burst Frequency of Up to 3.5 Frames Per Second, Full-HD Video in Full-frame Medium-format Sensor Size, 4K Video Recording in Super 35 Format, Faster Autofocus, Integrated Wi-Fi, GPS System & Position Sensor 2015-08-25