Nikon at the PhotoPlus Expo 2017 in New York City, USA: Stream Live Presentations from Nikon Ambassadors and Professional Photographers on Thursday, October 26 and Friday, October 27; 10:15 am – 4:45 PM EST 2017-10-25
53 Unmodified Nikon D5 Digital SLR Cameras Were Ordered by NASA (2017): To Be Used at Astronaut Training Facilities on Earth, and at the International Space Station for Recording Intra- and Extravehicular Activities 2017-09-11
You’re Invited: Nikon 100th Anniversary’s Second Special Exhibition, “Prototype Cameras — Developers’ Memories” at the Nikon Museum, Tokyo, Japan: No Cost, April 4 – July 1, 2017 2017-02-24