Sony Achieves Approximately 40% Reduction in Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Fiscal 2011 Through Fiscal 2015, Compared to Fiscal 2000 Levels 2016-09-12
Ricoh’s Landmark Milestones for Reducing Climate Change Include a 35.8% Decrease of CO2 Emissions (March 2015) from Year 2000 Levels & Successful Forest Ecosystem Conservation Projects in Partnership with Environmental NGOs and Local Communities 2016-03-03
Ricoh is the Official Partner of the United Nation’s COP21 Climate Conference in Paris-Le Bourget from 30 November to 11 December, 2015 2015-11-18
Sony Ranked First Among Japanese Companies in Performance & Information Disclosure in Combating Climate Change in the CDP Japan 500 Climate Change Report 2015 2015-11-05
Sony Pledges to #ActOnClimate and Aims for a Zero Environmental Footprint Throughout the Lifecycle of Their Products & Business Activities by 2050 2015-10-23