Between Bears from Eran Hilleli on Vimeo. This animation video by Eran Hilleli won the Vimeo Festival Animation Award. It’s great animation but I somehow misses the “moral” (or theme) of the story, if...
oops from Chris Beckman on Vimeo. Oops by Chris Beckman won the Vimeo Festival + Awards in the Experimental category. At first, I did not see anything I wanted to see in this video, but I am glad that I watched it in...
Thrush from Gabriel Bisset-Smith on Vimeo. It’s said that when you’re in love, a second can last an eternity. Imagine then how much can to told in four long minutes! Thrush by Gabriel Bisset-Smith won the...
Vimeo has published the schedule for its two-day festival to be held October 8 and 9 in New York City. You can expect talks, workshops, and screenings from well-known filmmakers uch as Phillip Bloom, Morgan Spurlock...