Submit your story or photographs from any sporting event you’ve attended.
Grand Prizes: One photographer and one writer will have the opportunity to cover the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games as part of The Globe and Mail’s editorial team.
Other prizes: Acer laptop computers, Panasonic DMC-L10 Lumix Digital SLR Cameras
Deadline: November 22, 2009
[ Enter the Journalism Dream Contest at: The Globe and Mail ]Related Link:
I was dissapointed to see that the prize for the top 9 runner ups for the photo contest is an obsolete, 2 year old camera. Check it out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panasonic_Lumix_DMC-L10 < – camera was announced in August of 2007!! 2007!! In camera world this is a century ago.
"Congratz top 9 runner ups – here's your paper weight"
The Pana L10 is still listed on Panasonic’s web site and is listed at $1,000+ on eBay, courtesy of that fantastic Leica lens.
And a Leica lens is… timeless.
And the camera itself is not bad at all.