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The Leica, er, Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

You’d forgive Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, when he launches into hyperbole, which he did yesterday when he introduced the [already leaked] beautiful and standards-setting iPhone 4.

This is beyond the doubt the most precise thing and one of the most beautiful we’ve ever made,” he said. “Glass on the front and back, and steel around the sides. It’s like a beautiful old Leica camera.” Grzzzzz. Rewind. Replay. “It’s like a beautiful old Leica camera.

Does he mean that the new Leica cameras are not beautiful. No, no, he is just laying claim to the legendary Leica badge for the iPhone 4.

[ via Steve’s Digicams ]
This should set all photographers’ heart a-flutter and reach for their pocketbook. But, really, Jobs, did you have to? Claim a spot for the iPhone 4 in the Museum of Modern Art, wink, wink?

But, why not? The iPhone 4 is a beautiful piece of machinery and Apple designers are to be saluted for a simple but intuitively practical design.

Apple iPhone 4 at a glance:

What doesn’t the iPhone 4 have? Tethering, or the ability to use your phone to connect your laptop to the Internet using your phone’s network.

So, when Jobs was claiming the iPhone to be a Leica (not a Nikon or Canon, mind you, but the legendary Leica), he may well be forgiven because is there anything on the iPhone 4 you did not wish your cell phone had? And did you expect all these features to work so well together and to look so exquisitely beautiful?

Editor’s note: You can see that I am psyching myself to switch to Apple. My trusted PC fried [hard drive crash] two days ago and am now considering a MacBook Pro.

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