From lastnightapp
You wake up the morning after a big party and all you can remember is that you may have done something foolish… like taken compromising pictures and posted them on your Twitter or Facebook page. Or, tweeted something about your boss that you now regret. Arggh, if only you could rewind and delete last night. Well, now you can do all that with one (OK, a few) clicks of a button(s) with the “Last Night Never Happened” app (or, if you prefer, The Morning After app).
It sounds like a great idea but can’t you already do that now, though one tweet and one post at a time? You know what I’d really like? A “Save My @ss” app that I can turn on before a party (or that switches on automatically based on how sloppily or furiously I am typing) and that will keep all my tweets and posts in limbo until I am sober enough or calmed down enough to release pictures, post and tweets into the twitterverse.
The Last Night app is on sale for a short time for $1,99 on the app store.
source Laughing Squid