Once the darling of all serious photographers, the TLR (Twin Lens Reflex) is now relegated to the footnotes of camera history. You wore it hanging from your neck and peered straight down to the screen. A viewfinder hood closed and opened on top, ensuring that the view was not washed out by the sunlight. The “twin” referred to the fact that the camera had 2 lenses: the top one served to reflect (the “reflex”) light to the viewfinder screen; the bottom one contained the shutter and aperture (usually an iris served both functions, opening to a certain diameter — the aperture — and closing after a specified time — the shutter speed) and was used to take the actual picture.
But, alas, those times are well past — as has almost the SLR (Single Lens Reflex) and as will one day its digital variant, the DSLR (Digital SLR).
Does the world need more pencil sharpeners? Does anyone still use pencils that need sharpening?
It’s currently out of stock, but you can order the TLR camera pencil sharpener at Mortimer Snodgrass.
source @sizr